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1 Inserate in Audio und Foto

Frankfort, 49400
Pokemon Home ALL 807 SHINY&NONSHINY FULL Living Dex & Events 1920 POKEMON TOTAL
ALL 807 SHINY AND NON-SHINY GEN 1-7 Battle Ready Pokemon + ALL HAT PIKACHU'S & ALOLAN FORMS transferred quickly to your Pokemon Home! 1920 Pokemon Total! This will fill your Pokemon Home Pokedex 100% for pokemon 1-807 Shiny and Non-Shiny Note: I will be ready to make the transfer within minutes from the time of purchase within working hours For the Custom Trainer Version follow the link: For my 814 Rare EVENT Pokemon Bundle Follow the Link: AVAILABLE BETWEEN 8AM - 8PM UK TIME MONDAY TO SATURDAY AVAILABLE BETWEEN 9AM - 7PM UK TIME SUNDAY INFO: - EVERY SHINY AND NON-SHINY GEN 1-7 POKEMON + SPECIAL EVENT HAT PIKACHU'S + ALL ALOLAN FORMS - All Pokemon have max stats, 6IVS and max PP ups on every move - All Pokemon that can have Hidden Ability will have Hidden Ability - All Shiny And Non-Shiny Minior forms - All Shiny And Non-Shiny Vivillon forms + 2 Event forms - All Shiny And Non-Shiny Unown forms - All Shiny And Non-Shiny Deoxys forms - All Shiny And Non-Shiny Burmy and Wormadam forms - All Shiny And Non-Shiny Rotom forms - All Shiny And Non-Shiny Deerling and Sawsbuck forms - All Shiny And Non-Shiny Flabébé, Floette and Florges forms - All Shiny And Non-Shiny Pumpkaboo and Gourgeist sizes - Lots of gender different forms - All Level 100 - All 1920 Pokemon were obtained organically WITHOUT codes or cheats, and have LEGAL moves, stats and nature. All 1920 pass legality checkers and can thus be traded and used in competitions - These Pokemon are from Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon. All 1920 Pokemon will be transferred to Home. - The OT will be ASH, except for Event Pokemon which require specific OT's to retain legality. - Currently only some of them are compatible with Sword and Shield. You can keep them stored in your Home until they are compatible with Sword and Shield in the future! HOW DOES IT WORK? NOTE: A Premium subscription to Pokemon Home is needed for the transfer. 1. After purchase, please message me when you are ready to make the transfer. I will message you back quickly confirming that I am ready to make the transfer. 2. Follow the instructions below to proceed with the transfer from your Switch or mobile device: 1. Open Pokemon Home 2. Go down to icon called "MOVE" (For mobile, you need to press the bottom middle button, then choose "OPTIONS" to find "Move") 3. Select "Begin Move" 4. Choose "Begin" at the prompt 5. Choose "Ready" 6. Choose "Display" to show the Moving Key. Message me with this key. Please note that it will expire after 3 minutes That is all you need to do! I will then start the transfer, which will take a few minutes. Once done, you will have all of the Pokemon in your Home account! If you have any questions, please feel free to let me know any time!

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