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What is a top ad?

Your ad is always displayed in the first or second position of the results list in the selected category per page. If more top ads are booked than there are spaces available, the ads are displayed randomly or rotated.


With a top ad, you receive up to 5 times more inquiries than comparable ads in the category. Therefore, a top ad is an excellent way to address users who are already looking for similar ads and are therefore very likely to be interested in your offer.

This makes it suitable for almost all ads. You get more attention from both browsing and searching users, as your ads are at the top of category pages and in relevant search results.

Duration and costs:

A top ad runs for seven days. The price for this is shown to you before booking.
Booking the top ad does not extend the duration of your ad. The extension must be made additionally at the appropriate time.

The ad's posting date is not updated as a result.


To further increase the effectiveness of your top ad, make sure that the title, image and

content of your ad are optimally designed.

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